- Freelance work as a programmer, specializing in (but not constrained to) computer vision. Initially working on tracking software for TapeMyDay as subcontractor of Createk. Later developed and implemented a named entity extraction module for the Doo GmbH in Bonn. The work for tapemyday has evolved in a the Soccercam project, which I am working on in my role as partner of the new-found partnership Trex++
- PhD work on neuromorphic vision algorithms as part of the MCCOOP and SEARISE projects with the Fraunhofer Geselleschaft on the campus in Birlinghoven. Initially we (that is the project coordinator, Marina Kolesnik, my Colleague Andy Stynen, and I) where at the Institute for Media and Communication (IMK) but that was absorbed into another Institute and just before we moved over to Institute for Applied Information Technology where I worked for the remainder of the SEARISE project.
- Physics (major) and Neuroinformatics (minor), ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- summer student research work on organic electronic device characterization, modeling and simulation
- Diploma Thesis 'Characterization and Simulation of Pentacene TFTs
- Internship analysing and characterizing a neuromorphic analog circuit
- Physics (major) and Information Technology (minor), Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany
- Vordiplom
- Abitur (high school degree) Bad Gandersheim, Germany
- Student Exchange year Cashmere High school, Christchurch, New Zealand